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New Special Razor Recycling Program

Posted Monday, January 25, 2021
Special Recycling

With the world teetering on a razor's edge the Addison County Solid Waste Management District is excited to bring some good news; we are now accepting your used, disposable shaving razors for special recycling! In an effort to divert valuable resources from the landfill, the District Transfer Station has partnered with TerraCycle to recycle all brands of disposable razors. These items should NOT go in your blue bin recycling but can be brought to the District Transfer Station and dropped in our new collection bucket located next to battery recycling in the Drop Zone. No packaging, electric razors or other shaving paraphernalia are accepted, just disposable razor blade heads and handles. 

Despite launching a new special recycling program, we continue to ask community members and businesses to minimize trips to the District Transfer Station to combat the spread of COVID-19. Please save up razor blades and heads before dropping them off or combine them with a trip to the District Transfer Station for another reason. Once we have collected enough razors, they will be shipped to TerraCycle’s processing facility in Trenton, New Jersey. There the metal razors will be melted down for their alloy while the plastic handles will be separated by resin type and pelletized to make new rigid plastic products, primarily outdoor furniture. Keep calm and shave on!