Food Donation
The organizations listed below accepted donations of edible food in Addison County.
Addison Community Action Food Shelf
This facility is run by the Community Action program out of the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO). Food shelf hours (excluding holidays) are Mon.-Fri., 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM, closed between 12-12:30 PM. For more information, visit CVOEO's website.
- Website:
- Address: 54 Creek Road, Ste A, Middlebury, VT 05753
- Contact: (802) 388-2285
Bristol Have-A-Heart Community Food Shelf
The Bristol Have-A-Heart Community Food Shelf usually provides a packed bag for neighbors in need on the third or fourth Friday of every month for residents of Bristol, Monkton, New Haven, Lincoln, or Starksboro. The schedule is posted on the church door, at various locations around Bristol, and on the website. Distribution occurs from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. For donations, contact the Food Shelf by email or phone directly.
- Website:
- Address: St.Ambrose Catholic Church, 11 School St. Bristol, VT 05443
- Contact: haveaheartvt@, 802-233-3561 or 802-343-8135
HOPE - Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects Food Shelf
HOPE provides community-based poverty relief services to Addison County residents. Programs include a food shelf, a farmer-supported produce gleaning operation, low-income housing development, and Retro-Works, a charity resale shop and warehouse. Food products are not accepted at the warehouse, please bring them to the food shelf office in front of the building between 9 to 3 Monday - Friday. Please call before you plan to drop off food donations. To reduce the amount of contact with others over the holidays HOPE is also allowing individuals to make monetary donations towards food items on their website.
- Website:
- Address: 282 Boardman Street, Middlebury, VT 05753
- Phone: (802) 388-3608
- Facebook page:
Quin-Town Senior Center
Quin-Town Center for Senior Citizens is open 2 days a week, Wednesday and Friday for community meals. Along with the seniors, the community is encouraged to join for meals. They open at 10 AM, serve lunch promptly at noon, and close at 1 PM.
- Address: 1097 Route 100, Hancock, VT 05748
- Contact: Jodie Troumbley, quintownsnrctr@, (802) 767-3763
- Facebook page:
Starksboro Food Shelf
The Starksboro Food Shelf has a food donation drop-off box located just outside their door to place your donations in. If you have perishable food items such as meat or eggs please call the food shelf coordinator to make arrangements for drop-off. Find them located across from the Starksboro Post Office in the old town office building, just off Route 116.
- Website:
- Contact (Food Shelf Coordinator): Barbara Herrington, (802) 453-6775, bherrington766@
The Giving Fridge
The Giving Fridge provides for individuals and families in need in Addison County with healthy, local produce. While the Giving Fridge does not take food donations directly, individuals are invited to give monetary donations. Visit their website to learn more about how to donate or volunteer.
- Website:
Vergennes Congregational Church Food Shelf
Donation hours are during food shelf hours which occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 4 PM. Contact Mike to donate outside of those hours. Acceptable donations include non-perishable foods. Please no open packages or frozen meat.
- Website:
- Address: 30 South Water St., Vergennes
- Contact: Mike O'Daniel, (802) 877-2435
- Facebook page:
Victory Baptist Church Food Pantry
Victory Baptist Church provides a food pantry for the Vergennes area. Food bank operations are from 9 AM to 5 PM; donations are welcome anytime between 9 AM to 5 PM. Please call before you plan to drop off food donations.
- Website:
- Address: 3862 US Route 7, Vergennes, VT 05491
- Contact: Tim Taylor or John Coffman,, (802) 877-3393
- Facebook page:
Vermont Food Bank
Each year, food producers and retailers provide the Foodbank with millions of pounds of food for distribution to our neighbors in need. The Vermont Food Bank does not take food donations directly from individuals. Instead, individuals are invited to make monetary donations or volunteer to pack or distribute food on their behalf.
- Website:
- Address: Rutland Distribution Center, 92 Park Street Rutland, VT 05701
- Contact: Casey Thomas, cthomas@, (802) 477-4107
- Facebook page: