Waste Reduction & Management Support for Towns
Member Towns
The District's 21 member towns are Addison, Bridport, Bristol, Cornwall, Ferrisburgh, Goshen, Leicester, Lincoln, Middlebury, Monkton, New Haven, Orwell, Panton, Ripton, Salisbury, Shoreham, Starksboro, Vergennes, Waltham, Weybridge, and Whiting. Each town has representation on the ACSWMD Board of Supervisors. Many towns maintain a drop-off location for trash, recycling, food scraps, and leaf and yard debris (leaf and yard debris collection offered seasonally between April 1 and December 15).
Services offered

ACSWMD member towns are eligible for waste disposal, technical assistance, permitting, Vermont Solid Waste Rules compliance, education, and outreach services from the District. Outreach and education services includes printed informational materials, outreach to businesses, schools, events, and other organizations, and public workshops such as composting workshops.
Some towns maintain a supply of recycling bins and food scrap buckets at their town offices. Contact your town clerk for more information. If you are a town clerk and you need more recycling bins or food scrap buckets, contact us.
ACSWMD can also handle complaints of illegal burning or dumping in partnership with the Addison County Sheriff in District towns. Complaints may be made anonymously.
Grant Funding
Grants for municipalities are available for:
- The start-up of new municipal recycling/composting/reuse projects
- Capital improvements to or expansion of existing municipal recycling/composting/reuse facilities
- Feasibility studies on how to comply with the diversion mandates of Vermont's Act 148
- Purchase of equipment, bins or containers needed to comply with the diversion mandates of Act 148
The governing bodies of member municipalities of the District are eligible to apply. Joint applications by member municipalities are eligible and encouraged.
Contact us for more information, or download the application below.