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Reducing Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste is expensive to manage properly, and can be dangerous to store at home. That's why it's important to minimize the amount of hazardous waste you generate. Here are a few tips for reducing hazardous waste in your home.

Avoid the Use of Toxic Cleaners

Cleaning products tend to contain some of the most hazardous chemicals in your home. You can make your home a safer place, and reduce your hazardous waste, by shifting away from toxic cleaners to more natural (yet still effective) cleaners that you can often prepare yourself from a few simple ingredients. Learn how to make a variety of non-toxic cleaners for specific things around the home.

Buy and Use Paint Wisely

Since waste paint accounts for the overwhelming majority of hazardous waste in Vermont homes, it is especially important to minimize leftover paint. Read our tips for making less paint waste.

Detoxify your Garden

You can minimize the need for pesticides in your backyard by selecting disease-resistant varieties of plants, plants that attract native predator insects, and plants that naturally deter pests. You can also use natural alternatives such as garlic, onion and soap to control pests. If you compost at home, try mixing your compost into the garden soil, or using it to top-dress around your plants. The beneficial organisms in compost can help your plants resist disease, which lessens or eliminates the need for pesticides and herbicides. Homemade compost is also a better nutrient source than most commercial fertilizers, and is safer for the environment.