List of Licensed Haulers
This list of licensed haulers is offered for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement by the District.
All haulers collecting waste for compensation in the District are required by District ordinance to obtain a commercial hauler's license. All haulers offering trash service to customers are also required, by State law and ordinance, to offer recycling services. In addition, trash trucks parked at town/city drop-offs and other locations must offer to accept food scraps and leaf and yard debris (seasonally). Unless certified by the State of Vermont to do so, trash haulers are not allowed to transport hazardous waste.
If you have questions or concerns about hauling companies or your trash service, please feel free to contact the District Office.
Interested in becoming a licensed hauler? Download important information and the necessary forms.
1-800-GOT JUNK?
- Customer Support: (800) 468-5865
- Email: vermont@
- Website:
- Services offered: Cleanouts in all towns.
Acker Waste Management
- Phone: (802) 453-6701
- Email: ackerwastemanagement@
- Website:
- Services offered: Cleanouts in all towns. Dumpsters only in all towns except Goshen and Ripton for trash & recycling.
- Operates Bridport Town Drop-off, Lincoln Town Drop-off, Middlebury Drop-off at Quesnel Farm, Monkton Town Drop-off, and Starksboro Town Drop-off which accepts trash, recycling, food scraps, and leaf & yard debris.
BK Services, LLC
- Phone: (802) 779-2950
- Email:
- Services offered: Cleanouts in all towns.
- Operates Whiting Town Drop-off which accepts trash, recycling, food scraps and leaf & yard debris.
Casella Waste Management
- Phone: 1-800-292-0297
- Website:
- Services offered: Curbside pick-up (trash, recycling and food scraps*) and roll-offs
- *This hauler only offers curbside food scrap collection to businesses and apartments of four or more units.
David Sabatini
- Phone: (802) 247-6350
- Email: dwsabatini1@
- Services offered: Cleanouts in Goshen, Leicester, Middlebury, Orwell, Ripton, Salisbury, Shoreham, and Whiting. Holds the town of Goshen's contract for curbside trash, recycling & food scraps.
Denton & Son
- Phone: (802) 247-8340
- Email:
- Services offered: Curbside pick-up of trash and recycling and cleanouts in Goshen, Leicester, Middlebury, New Haven, Orwell, Salisbury, and Whiting.
- Operates Leicester Town Drop-off which accepts trash, recycling, food scraps and leaf & yard debris
DH Cameron Construction Company, Inc.
- Phone: (802) 425-3782
- Email: builderdhc@
- Services offered: Cleanouts and roll-offs in all towns.
Driven by Drafts Equine Services, LLC
- Phone: (802) 377-0640
- Email: DrivenbyDrafts@
- Services offered: Horse-drawn wagon curbside pick-up of trash, recycling, and food scraps in Middlebury and Bristol.
Gauthier Trucking Company Inc.
- Phone: (802) 879-4020
- Email: jane@
- Website:
- Services offered: Cleanouts in Addison, Bristol, Ferrisburgh, Middlebury, Monkton, New Haven, Starksboro, and Vergennes. Curbside pick-up (trash, recycling, leaf & yard debris on call monthly, and food scraps*) and roll-offs in Bristol, Ferrisburgh, Middlebury, Monkton, New Haven, Starksboro, and Vergennes.
- *This hauler offers curbside food scrap collection for businesses and apartments of four or more units only.
Grunts Move Junk
- Phone: (802) 695-0362
- Email: info@
- Website:
- Services offered: Cleanouts in all towns.
JR & Sons Rubbish/Recycling/Junk Removal, Inc.
- Phone: (802) 735-9760
- Email: jrandsonsjunkremoval21@
- Website:
- Services offered: Cleanouts in all towns. Curbside of trash, recycling, and food scraps in all towns except Goshen.
Myers Container Service, Inc.
- Phone: (802) 655-4312
- Email: lynn@
- Website:
- Services offered: Roll-offs
New England Quality Service, Inc. (Earth Waste & Metal)
- Phone: (802) 775-7722
- Website:
- Services offered: Scrap metal collection & recycling in all towns. C&D roll-offs.
R&L Rubbish
- Phone: (802) 388-6288
- Website:
- Services offered: Cleanouts in all towns and curbside pick-up (trash, recycling and food scraps) in Addison, Bridport, Bristol, Cornwall, Ferrisburgh, Middlebury, Monkton, New Haven, Panton, Salisbury, Shoreham, Vergennes, Waltham, Weybridge, and Whiting.
- Operates Addison Town Drop-off, Cornwall Town Drop-off, Bristol Town Drop-off, Middlebury Town Drop-off, New Haven Town Drop-off, Salisbury Town Drop-off, Shoreham Town Drop-Off, and Vergennes City Drop-off. All Drop-offs accept trash, recycling, food scraps and leaf & yard debris.
Webb & Sons Landscaping Co.
- Phone: (802) 388-4532
- Services offered: Cleanouts in all towns and curbside pick-up of trash, recycling, and leaf & yard waste in Ripton only.
- Operates Ripton Town Drop-off which accepts trash, recycling* food scraps and leaf & yard waste.
- *Recycling collected by Casella Waste Management
Wyman Frasier Lumber Mill, LLC.
- Phone: (802) 770-9113
- Email:
- Services offered: Cleanouts and C&D Roll-offs on demand in all towns.