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Keeping Our Community Safe

Posted Friday, December 4, 2020

With COVID-19 cases on the rise this winter, Addison County Solid Waste Management District asks community members and businesses to consolidate their waste and minimize visits to the District Transfer Station in Middlebury. By coming less often you can help us reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 to our staff, and limiting potential exposure to yourself and other customers. Here are some helpful tips to minimize trips to the District Transfer Station and HazWaste Center during the pandemic:

  • If you commonly use our food scrap program and film plastic program, plan a trip to our facility to bring both at the same time.
  • Collecting dead batteries for special recycling? Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme heat. Don't store dead batteries in drawers with other metal objects or in metal containers. Instead place them in a non-conductive container like an old plastic Tupperware or return them to their original packaging. Using these techniques, batteries can safely be stored to minimize trips to the District Transfer Station.
  • Common household hazardous waste products are safe to store in one's home, garage or basement, as long as they aren't leaking. Keep containers upright with lids securely fastened. Do not consolidate chemicals; leave partially used hazardous waste in its original packaging. Do not store chemicals outside or in places where water damage or extreme heat is possible. If you have any questions regarding storing and handling hazardous waste, give us a call, visit our website or send us an email.
  • Check our hours before visiting the District Transfer Station. Did you know the HazWaste Center opens an hour later and closes an hour earlier on weekdays? If you plan to bring hazwaste along with other wastes, come during the hours the HazWaste Center is open to accomplish all of your disposal tasks.
  • Browse our website to familiarize yourself with all of our special recycling programs along with what we accept for disposal. Our searchable A-Z guide is a great resource for answering most of your waste recycling and disposal questions! Our special recycling program for clothing/textiles closed permanently earlier this year. 
  • Finally, take stock of what you no longer want by creating a list. Sometimes one person's trash is another person's treasure. We encourage residents and businesses to take the time to list things for sale or for free before throwing them in the garbage. Our Reuse Sheds are closed at this time. 

When you do make an essential trip to our facility, please abide by State guidance and posted rules. This includes wearing a mask when you are interacting with the Scalehouse Operator and when within 6 feet of another person. Please only visit if you are feeling healthy. If you have any questions, reach us at info@ or by calling 802-388-2333. The District Office remains closed to the public during this time, so please call or email with questions!