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Printer Ink & Toner Cartridges

Disposal Options

Some printer and toner cartridges can be refilled or recycled by a manufacturer or distributor. Check to see if the new cartridge you purchased comes with an envelope to return the old one. Empty ink and toner cartridges are not recyclable in your blue bin and should be discarded as trash — regardless of any recycling symbols on the cartridge.

For other refilling or recycling options, check out:

  • Vermont Toner Recharge – 400 Ave. D, Suite 30, Williston; 864-7637
  • Best Buy has an inkjet cartridge recycling kiosk located just inside the front door of its store locations. Free to drop off all inkjet cartridges for recycling.
  • Staples will take any inkjet and toner cartridges and will give you a $2 coupon for your efforts.
  • DoorStepInk covers the cost of shipping your used ink cartridges to their facility. Once at their Planet Green facility, they are refilled and sold for reuse. 
  • Ikon Toner Recycling provides free recycling of any brand of inkjet and toner cartridges. After registering on their website you can order a prepaid shipment box provided by IKON and Clover Environmental Solutions. Once the box is filled, you give it to your UPS resource (or other provider) to ship to the Ikon recycling center.
  • HP Planet Partners offers ink and toner recycling for HP brand products. Apply for a mail-back envelope or drop it off at a participating HP recycling location. 


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