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Waste Warriors

Waste Warriors are trained volunteers that help event attendees properly sort their discarded materials into recycling, compost, and trash. Recycling at events can be confusing, and many event-goers are focused on enjoying the event, not deciphering where their plastic cup should go. Waste Warriors are a friendly presence at waste sorting stations to communicate with attendees about which items go into each bin. 

We’re looking for friendly, enthusiastic, volunteer Waste Warriors to help bring our waste reduction mission to life at Addison County events!

Become a Waste Warrior

Are you the type of person who pulls bottles out of the trash to recycle them? Who brings an apple core home to compost it? If you're an avid (or aspiring) recycler or composter, you should sign up to become a Waste Warrior volunteer! 

It's easy to become an ACSWMD Waste Warrior. Start by attending a free training session to learn how to boost recycling and composting efforts at events and meet other recycling rockstars. At the training, we’ll cover:

  • How to determine which materials belong in recycling, compost, and trash (it's not as simple as you may think!)
  • How to communicate with event goers in positive ways that help them learn
  • How to improve waste reduction and management at events to send as little to the landfill as possible
  • And more!

After completing the training, you’ll be eligible to volunteer at local public events such as festivals, races, and the Addison County Fair and Field Days. Volunteers get free admission to event sites, a free t-shirt, plus the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve made a difference!

There is no minimum number of events volunteers are obligated to attend. Even just getting trained will allow you to help your family and friends make more informed composting and recycling decisions.

Upcoming Trainings

2024 Training Schedule (For more trainings complete the form below and add your availability in the comment box)
There are no current trainings.

Training Registration

Would you prefer to attend in-person or via zoom?
T-shirt size

Need bins?

ACSWMD loans out X-frame recycling and trash containers and signs to public events. 

Learn more

Zero Waste Event Kits

Ditch the plastic forks and paper plates and borrow our reusable dishware instead. Learn more about our

Zero Waste Event Kit

Need help?

Have questions about meeting requirements for events?

Contact us